“Every woman should include Breast Thermography as part of their regular breast heath care. I have recommended the use of this technology extensively over the years in my newsletter. Thermography has the unique ability to “map” the individual thermographic readings in the breast.. Christiane Northrup, M.D. Noted Author and Leading Expert in Women’s Health Two years ago I researched Breast Thermography for an article in my newsletter and I was impressed with what I found. Finally, there was a sensitive test to support the information from mammograms. In addition, it could also detect potential problems at a very early stage. For years, I’ve been looking for a test to offer my patients who refuse mammograms. Some are concerned about cumulative radiation and complications from compression, and others have personal reasons for refusing this test. Yet, to do nothing is to put their heads in the sand, and this doesn’t save lives.
With all this information in hand, I decided to find out first hand what this technology was all about. I contacted Dr. Amalu and he spent some time going over the research and background of Breast Thermography. I also decided to have a Breast Thermogram. I was pleasantly surprised with the comfort and ease of the examination. I found in my research, and personally, that Thermography can help a woman take a possible
precancerous condition and turn it around. It supports mammography and provides additional information. Prevention is the gold standard of health care. In my opinion, Breast Thermography should be part of every woman’s yearly exam to help prevent breast cancer, and for early detection.
I will continue to have regular Thermograms and intend to keep writing about it in my newsletter until there are centers throughout the country.
Scott T. Miles, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., C.T.T. Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Women need to know that Breast Thermography is a promising and safe technology that is a welcome addition to helping women create breast health.
Susan M. Lark, M.D. Distinguished Author and Leading Expert in Women’s Health:
Breast Thermography is an excellent adjunctive arrow in the quiver of tools for breast screening. Whereas structural screening looks for static anatomical abnormalities, Thermography reveals physiological changes in the breast allowing for earlier intervention in the detection of remalignant
and malignant processes. Additionally, Breast Thermography allows for proactive rather than just reactive measures in the fight against breast cancer. However, it is not intended to replace structural screening, but rather is an extremely valuable addition to a Mammogram.
Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PHD Editor, Women’s Health Letter
My patients are overjoyed to find out about how Breast Thermography can help them maintain their breast health. Not only can the test pick up abnormalities long before they manifest via mammography, but it can also detect patterns of estrogen dominance, a possible precursor to breast cancer, which we can then work to change by balancing a woman’s hormone profile naturally. And it’s so simple and painless. My own experience of having a Thermogram was very comfortable and took about 30 minutes. Multiple images from different angles were taken of my
breasts and digitally processed by a sophisticated computerized system. I had had a recent breast ultrasound, wherein they could barely find the small superficial lump I had discovered. It was reassuring to add Thermography to my other tests for a more comprehensive examination.
I feel that is it important for every woman to have regular breast Thermograms. Every new patient is informed about Breast Thermography and I provide them with a brochure that explains the procedure.
Carol Knight, M.D. Private Practice Women’s Health:
The use of computerized medical infrared imaging for breast cancer detection, diagnosis, and as a high risk and prognostic indicator leads to both earlier detection of breast cancer and increases the overall survival of breast cancer patients.
Robert Elliot, M.D., Ph.D. Comprehensive Breast Care Specialist, Founder and Director EEH Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Center, President American Mastology Associationn. far Infrared imaging of the breast should be an integral part of any breast cancer screening program due to its value as an independent risk factor for breast cancer and its value as a prognostic indicator.
Jonathan Head, Ph.D., Tumor Cell Biologist and Pioneer in Breast Cancer Vaccines Director of Research EEH Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Center, Associate Professor of Biochemistry Tulane University:
Thermography imaging, based more on process than structural changes, and requiring neither contact, compression, radiation nor venous access, provides pertinent and practical complimentary information to both clinical examination and mammography. Quality controlled abnormal infrared images heighten our index of suspicion in cases where clinical or mammographic findings are equivocal or nonspecific and signal the need for further investigation rather than observation. With the addition of infrared imaging, our sensitivity of image detection has increased from 83% to 93%.
John Keyserlingk, M.D., Ph.D. Oncological Surgeon, Ville Marie Breast and Oncology Center, Department of Oncology St. Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, Quebec
Abnormal Breast Thermogram is the highest known risk marker for the presence of or future development of breast cancer. As such, Breast thermography should be a part of every woman’s regular
breast health care.
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