If cancer is caught in it’s early stage, there is a better chance of treating it successfully. And, because at at early stage, it has less likely to spread, a simple surgery may be able to remove them.
Latest research works have been successful in favoring thermography for breast cancer screening for early detection. Here is how it is emerging as a promising technique for the upcoming years:
Tracing heat patterns of the breast cells can predict the course of the disease as well as the risks quite earlier than its outcome. A study was conducted that involved 1,245 women who underwent:
- physical examination
- ultrasonic investigation
- mammography
- fine needle aspiration
- biopsy for breasts
One-third of the subjects showed up with histologically-proven cancers within a time frame of five years. In their cases, thermography was able to detect metabolic changes in the lesion cells that had the potential to grow rapidly, and its predictive value remains far better than that of a biopsy.
When opting for a procedure, you would certainly want to decide in favor of the one that yields accuracy of high scores. Experimental studies have been successful in concluding that cell patterns exhibited on a thermogram are nearly 80 percent accurate. Hence, thermography takes an edge over mammography.
With mammogram, it may be harder to peak through the anatomical abnormalities of denser breast tissues, especially those of premenopausal women.
On the other hand, in a study that compared efficacies of the three most-adopted breast cancer screening modalities: clinical examination, mammography, and thermography; the certainty of the thermography for larger lesions and for the ones with lymph node metastasis was significantly lower as compared to that of mammography.
A compelling reason that questions the role of mammography is the high probability of “false positive results”. A retrospective cohort evaluation for breast cancer screening and diagnosis of 2,400 women subjects falling between the ages of 40 and 69 years led to the discovery that, mammography stood for a cumulative risk of 49.1 percent of false positive results on an estimate. The research included four mammograms and five clinical breast examinations per subject over a 10-year period.
1. Suitable for younger women
It should be the first choice for premenopausal women whose breasts tend to be denser. Thermography can differentiate fibrocystic tissue, scars or breast implants from that of cancerous cells.
2. Detect cell changes outside of the breast region
Many times precancerous cells can start forming from the armpit area due to use of underarm deodorants, and the concentration of lymph nodes in that area. Mammography is not the best method to use for screening outside of the breast region, the armpit area included.
3. Great as an additional test
Whatever method you decide to use, thermography will be a great additional test due to its accuracy and early detection ability. Should you discover a lump from your self-examination, a thermography will be able to give you a more conclusive diagnosis as to the type of lump/growth it is.
4. It is painless and radiation-free
As you may have experienced or heard from other women, the pressure of a mammogram machine is equivalent to putting a 50-pound weight to compress your breasts. Many who have done mammogram will be able to tell you that it is painful. And this is especially traumatic for women who have small breasts.
It doesn’t make sense to use high exposure to radiation from mammography to find what we know is caused by radiation!
With thermography, you will be required to sit in front of the scanner that scans your body heat. Thermography is non-contact, non-invasive, uses no painful breast compression, nor emits any harmful radiation.
5. It is safe
Thermography is so safe that it can be used on pregnant and nursing women without any side effects whatsoever. It’s merely taking an image of your body heat, like shooting a photo!
Thermography Clinic Ireland is located in : Suite 1, Portmarnock Business Centre, Strand Road, Portmarnock, Co Dublin, Ireland
As with anything so important as your health, I suggest that you make an informed decision. Know the source of your information. There will always be two sides to healthcare. There is the conventional, invasive method; and there is the traditional, holistic and natural approach. Decide which route you wish to take.
You may have been told or formerly educated about mammogram but now decided that it is, after all, not the best way to go. There is no need to feel any guilt nor be intimidated into going that route. Take your own health into your own hands and decide what you think is best and safe.
When done properly, thermography for breast cancer screening has the true potential to detect breast cell anomalies long before mammography can detect cancer. By early detection (up to eight years earlier), it allows you to get help and implement lifestyle changes that can improve your health significantly.
My wife is getting older and needs to get screened soon for breast cancer just to be safe. I know that she is a little worried about the screenings so learning that thermography is really safe will comfort her. I’ll pass your article over to her so that she feels much more confident ahead of her appointment.