There is a clear increase in a woman’s chances of getting breast cancer as they age, in particular once they get into their 40′s, 50′s and beyond. Why would there be such an increase in breast cancer rates in women at this age? What is the significance of this time in a woman’s life?
Hormone Imbalances and Estrogen Dominance
During this time, a woman is likely experiencing hormonal imbalance as she enters peri-menopause, and eventually menopause. The primary reasons for this imbalance are:
- declining levels of progesterone that occurs with aging, surgical removal of the ovaries or excessive stress (high cortisol equals low progesterone)
- higher levels of estrogen as the body struggles make an egg from aging ovaries
- accumulation of environmental hormone disruptors in the body from a lifetime of exposure to pollutants, plastics and pesticides (all contain xeno-estrogens)
- use of oral contraceptives (past or current)
- synthetic hormone replacement therapy
- an unhealthy digestive tract (where hormones are removed from the body)
These factors can contribute to an excess of estrogen in the body known as Estrogen Dominance. Since estrogen stimulates cell growth, a predominance of it, especially in the absence of adequate levels of progesterone, presents an increased risk of cancer, particularly in the breast.
Don’t get me wrong, estrogen is not a demon! It is all about balance.
- The key takeaway here is that having Hormonal Imbalance may result in more breast stimulation and potentially increase the risk of developing Breast Cancer.
Know The Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance:
- Unwanted weight gain/inability to lose weight
- Premenstrual weight gain/bloating
- Heavy/painful periods
- Irregular bleeding
- Tender and/or fibrocystic breasts
- Mood swings
- Low Libido
- Depression
- Low thyroid symptoms
- Sleep disturbances
- Fatigue
- High stress
- Belly fat
- Low immunities/susceptibility to illness
What Can I Do to Prevent / Treat Estrogen Dominance?
First, I recommend testing the testing l use is HTMA coupled with a specific blood panel, l use this testing to establish the Root Cause of the imbalance. This enables me look at Thyroid, Adrenal, Blood Sugar Handling, Liver and Gut function. No assessment of Hormonal Imbalance can be made without looking at all the above.
Finally, consider having a Thermogram. This is a form of breast imaging that does not require exposure to radiation. Instead, it measures the heat released from the breast, which indicates areas of increased cellular activity/growth. A Thermogram can identify problems in breast tissue years before they can be seen by a mammogram or felt by your doctor. A Breast Thermography can be the first indication that a hormone imbalance exists adn is impacting the Breast Tissue negatively.
Other Important Steps to Take Include:
- Reduce the use of pesticides, pollutants, and chemicals in your home
- Eat organic foods that are free of hormones and pesticides
- Maintain an ideal body weight (excess fat increases estrogen production)
- Exercise regularly
- Find ways to better manage your stress
For more information about managing estrogen dominance, Breast Cancer prevention and any other health issue. Please contact Ph: 086 1623683 or www.Thermographyireland.ie
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