What Is Thermography?

Breast Health Discovery vs. Disease Detection

​Every person deserves the truth about their state of health. Instead of waiting for symptoms to manifest and a disease process to be diagnosed, Thermography gives you a very early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – Inflammation.

Thermography uses an infrared camera that measures the surface temperature of your skin to detect patterns which may indicate the need for further clinical evaluation.

Thermography -_ Truely Is Abount Breast Cancer Prevention

Instead of disease detection, we call Thermography “Health Discovery” – a very important part of your Breast Health Protocol . Thermography detects inflammation, often long before you may feel any symptoms or be diagnosed with an actual disease. In a nutshell, Thermography can see your body asking for extra help. It’s somewhat like a window that allows us to see in and get a visual, or as Dr. Carol Chandler in Lakeland Florida says it is “eavesdropping on what the body is prioritizing right now””Humans are famous for waiting until symptoms get so bad they finally act on them. At that point, there is probably little room for prevention – only Reaction – leaving them with no choice but to endure invasive testing, drugs with side effects plus treatments and surgeries that greatly reduce quality of life. However on the Proactive side, we can support your body’s ability to heal itself through various modalities like diet changes, supplementation, stress management, exercise and more… All designed to return you to a healthy state of well-being.”

So that leads you to wonder…
How Can Thermography Really Help Me?

If you’re wondering how Thermography will specifically help you better achieve your health goals, let me reassure you:
There are a number of areas in which Thermography will help you better understand your body. But it specializes in:

  • Breast Imaging
  • Pain Diagnostics
  • Early-Stage Disease screening

Yes, it’s true. Thermograms provide you with early screening and treatment assistance in such conditions as cellular changes that could potentially lead to cancers, inflammatory processes, neurological and vascular dysfunction, and musculoskeletal injury.

“But How are Thermograms Different From Mammograms?”

Mammograms look at anatomical changes in the breast, as they detect masses or lumps in the breast tissue. On the other hand, thermograms look at vascular changes in the breast, as they detect blood flow patterns, inflammation and asymmetries.

Thermograms benefit all women. They are ideal for young women who want to monitor their breast health before the recommended age of 40. Actually, your breast cancer prevention should start as early as possible.

One in Eight Women Will Be Diagnosed with Breast Cancer at Some Point in Their Life

Proper breast self-exams, physician exams, and now Thermography in conjunction with other testing ,together, provide you with the earliest detection system available.

Thermal imaging detects the subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology, whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease.

From there, annual  thermograms allow you to map changes in your body’s heat patterns over time. They can alert you to any deviations from your norm. Mapping your health annually helps you detect changes, often before disease develops.

Yet breast imaging is only one benefit of thermograms. Another area that can be of benefit to both sexes is pain analysis…

Thermography screenings can assess and detect inflammation in the carotid arteries (which may be a precursor to stroke and blood clots). When inflammation and/or occlusion of the carotid is visible, your doctor may do additional testing. Earlier detection of a heart problem may save your life.

If you’ve never heard of Thermography, you may wonder how credible it is. The equipment used is calibrated to measure to 100th of a degree centigrade. Thermographers are trained to exacting standards and must pass several tests plus keep current with continuing education. Your scans are actually analyzed and reviewed by certified medical doctors who’ve specialized in thermography.

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