breast cancer

“I want to prevent cancer, not detect it.”

Mammograms, ultrasounds, MRIs focus on detection of Breast Cancer. Breast Thermography as offered at Thermography Clinic Ireland, focuses on prevention. Services provide a Thermobiological Risk Rating for each breast, a Hormonal Assessment regarding estrogen stimulation, and Self-Care and Prevention Education, to empower you to be proactive with your Breast Health.  If you prefer prevention over detection, check us out… we support both, early detection and prevention.

It is especially helpful for women who are: pre-menopausal; with dense, fibrocystic, or large breasts; undergoing HRT or fertility treatment; with implants, or surgical alteration; nursing or pregnant; not able to tolerate radiation or compression; or seek early warning signs early enough to intervene, reduce risk, and support prevention. Because thermography is 100% safe, with no radiation or compression, it cannot cause cancer or cause a tumor to rupture. As a risk assessment and early warning tool, Thermography Clinic Ireland provides thermal imaging of the Breast,Teeth and Body for men and women.

Women who want prevention choose thermography.

Mammography does not prevent cancer. It is meant to support detection, though it falls short along many attributes. There is such growing evidence about the shortcomings of mammography that the Swiss Medical Board has recommended “completely abolishing mammogram screenings.”

Call today to book an appointment or get more information. Ph: 086 1623683.

What is Thermography?

Thermography is a non-invasive, safe, technology that uses an infrared camera to capture pictures of the heat from the skin’s surface temperature without the use of radiation. The pictures help detect signs of injury or disease.  It may also signal that injury or disease is at risk for developing in the future.

Benefits to Patients

Prevention and early detection! Thermography is an excellent risk assessment tool that is non-invasive. Thermography can detect areas concern of developing pathology.

Thermography is becoming a popular and appealing tool because of its safety and comfort.  Thermography can also be used in younger women and those women with dense breast, which the mammogram has been shown to be less accurate.

Who should do Thermography?

Thermography is recommended to males and females of all ages. Having a follow up thermogram yearly after getting a baseline is strongly recommended as well as monthly self-breast exams. Picking up tissue changes when they begin allows you additional treatment time before the changes become problematic. Breast thermography is indicated regardless of age or breast size, who desire a painless and radiation-free risk assessment tool.

Thermogram vs. Mammogram

Breast thermography is a functional test, meaning it notes changes in breast tissue which may indicate abnormalities in cellular activity years before disease is present.  In contrast, the mammogram is a structural test that must have a formed mass enough to be visualized.   Like mammography and ultrasound, infrared imaging does not diagnose cancer, but merely indicates the presence of an abnormality. Only a tissue biopsy can actually diagnose cancer. The key benefit to thermography is that it can detect an abnormality far earlier, and may determine your risk for developing disease.  If you have an abnormal thermogram, interventions can be taken immediately to prevent further growth and even normalize tissues.

The thermogram does not replace of the mammogram. If abnormalities are detected on the thermogram, further testing will be strongly recommended such as an ultra sound, then if necessary a mammogram.

Benefits of Thermography

The Human Body is Symmetrical, and our thermal patterns are consistent every time.

What is Thermography used for ?

  • Breast cancer risk assessment.
  • Detecting effects of estrogen on the breasts.
  • Helping determine the cause of pain in the body.
  • Assessing risk for sports injury.
  • Visualizing circulation to the head or extremities.
  • Visualizing spinal nerve function to the extremities.
  • Detecting occult dental infection.
  • Detecting subclinical thyroid conditions.
  • Skin cancer risk assessment

Young Women and Breast Cancer

Younger women generally do not consider themselves to be at risk for breast cancer. Statistics however show that breast cancer is the most common cause of death in women aged 35-54 and the incidence continues to rise. About a quarter of all breast cancers diagnosed this year will be diagnosed in women before menopause. We have also observed this increase at our clinic in women under the age of 50.

What is different about Breast Cancer in younger women?

Younger women generally have denser breast tissue than in older women. By the time a lump is felt in a younger woman’s breast the cancer is usually in an advanced stage and therefore is less likely to be treated effectively. Routine screening with mammography is offered to women 50 and over. Screening younger women with mammography has not been effective. Denser breast tissue, present in younger women, does not bode well with X-ray mammography. In cases where the patient has Grade III or IV density of the breasts, the effectiveness of mammography screening drops below 50%. Younger women have a higher level of hormonal activity that leads to a more aggressive cancer and responds poorly to treatment. Many women assume that they are too young to get cancer and tend to dismiss a lump as a harmless cyst while some health care providers also dismiss breast lumps as cysts and adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach

Rick factors involved in Breast Cancer

  • Medical radiation exposure and especially exposure at younger age
  • Family history of breast cancer, particularly on the maternal side (mother, sister, aunt)
  • Recent use of oral contraceptives
  • Genetic mutation involving BRCA1/BRCA2
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Diet, specifically high levels of fat consumption
  • Early age at menarche and menstrual irregularity
  • Shift work and Insomnia
  • Medications, specifically antihypertensive , synthetic estrogens and thyroid medication
  • Smoking and secondhand smoke, in women who began smoking before age 20 or before first birth

Lack of Screening

The high prevalence rate among younger women may reflect the lack of routine screening and due to low compliance of Breast self Examination (BSE) among this age group.

Nonetheless, an effective way of screening is available in the form of medical infrared thermography. Thermography becomes essential in helping many young women identify who is at a higher risk of developing breast cancer by assessment of how the breast functions. By identifying a high risk group early we can follow this group more vigilantly and when necessary escalate to other forms of testing which would involve structural tests like, Ultrasound, Mammography, and MRI.

Once the initial baseline is established it is possible to track future changes in the breast tissue and use all subsequent examination results as an early warning system. According to a number of researchers, a persistent abnormal thermogram is thought to be “the single greatest indicator of breast cancer risk” and is considered 10 times more important than a positive family history for the disease. Because physiological changes over time are known to precede morphological changes, an abnormal thermogram can often be the first warning sign of an increased risk for breast cancer. Different factors may be contributing to a high risk (abnormal) thermogram, such as: hormonal imbalance, early angiogenesis (proliferation of blood vessels), lymphatic swellings and poor function, thyroid dysfunction or other endocrine disorders, environmental toxins, emotional stress, just to name a few; these are important contributors to breast disease and malignancy and are not detected by mammography or ultrasound as these factors do not appear as structural changes.

Can breast cancer be prevented?

According to The World Health Organization 70% of all cancers can be prevented. Every woman should know her risk level for developing breast cancer. With proper risk assessment, that includes different testing modalities, the patient is able to determine her risk factors and develop an action plan on how to improve the breast tissue or even reverse the existing trend. The current mainstream screening strategy is not applicable to younger women, as it does not identify who is at risk before it is too late. Medical infrared thermography should be added to every woman’s regular breast health care because the earlier and younger, the better.

– Dr. Alexander Mostovoy
HD, DHMS, BCCT Board Certified Clinical Thermographer

Breast Health Program

True preventative breast health based on scientific testing and personalised nutrition.

Breast Thermography is available in our clinic in Dublin, Ireland or Zoom consultation world-wide.

Breast health issues are plaguing many women today: from heavy, swollen painful breasts before a period to diagnosed fibrocystic breasts to breast cancer – our breasts are a very sensitive barometer of our health.

Looking at your breast health in a preventative manner and addressing issues that are already there is vital in today’s environment. In order to resolve our breast issues we need to address hormonal, gut and detox problems.

Many of my clients have the breast related symptoms, fibrocystic breasts, tenderness, swollen &/or painful breast etc…and are told such things as ‘it is just benign and needs to be checked by an ultrasound now and then’. Painful and heavy breasts before periods – ‘just part of being female’.

None of these issues are normal. They are very common but not normal. They all occur due to gut problems such as low stomach acid (nutrients not broken down), leaky gut (nutrients not absorbed), gut imbalances (the wrong bacteria sending estrogen back into re-circulation) as well as liver issues (not detoxing environmental pollutants and not breaking down hormones efficiently) as well as certain genetics.

Add to this adrenal fatigue (doing too much, stressing too much, caring too much for others and not self) which eventually affects thyroid function negatively and you have a perfect storm for breast and other health issues.

breast health sydney nutritionist

The Key Organ systems involved in breast health are:

  • the stomach and small intestine: they facilitate absorption of vital nutrients for breast health
  • the liver- toxin and hormone elimination is paramount for breast health
  • the colon – imbalanced gut bacteria lead to excess estrogen hormones accumulating

It is important to balance hormones for breast health. These are:

  • estrogen
  • progesterone
  • cortisol – stress ‘steals’ our balancing hormones like progesterone
  • insulin

Without achieving hormonal balance, improving gut health, proper elimination and detoxification we cannot have healthy breasts.

This program is for you if:

  • you suffer from painful, swollen and enlarged breasts at any stage in your cycle
  • you have been diagnosed with fibrocystic breasts
  • you have been diagnosed with breast cancer
  • a member of your immediate or extended family has had breast or prostate cancer and you would like to invest in your health in a preventative way

The ‘Essentials’ Of Breast Health

If prevention is the best medicine, then consider education to be your daily vitamin boost. Staying informed is one of the best ways to ensure you remain proactive in protecting your health and prolonging your life.

But when it comes to breast health, it can be overwhelming to navigate the multitude of resources out there. Luckily, wellness expert and breast cancer survivor Dr. Veronique Desaulniers has broken it down into seven “essentials,” in her book, “Heal Breast Cancer Naturally”.

Essential #1 – Starve Cancer

Studies show a diet full of fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy oils, trace minerals, enzymes and probiotics, can significantly reduce your risk of breast cancer… by as much as about 70 percent!

Keep it simple, as fitness icon Jack Lalanne says– “If man made it, don’t eat it.”

Essential #2 – Reduce Toxin Exposure

A toxin is a poisonous substance, either naturally occurring or man-made. The latter seems to be everywhere – from the air we breathe to the household cleaners we use.

So, how do you avoid them?

Organic foods are always best, especially when cooked without a microwave or aluminum foil. Limiting cell phone use and cutting out pesticides and chemical sprays, among other tips, are also a good start.

Essential #3 – Strike An Energy Balance

Everything is energy, including our bodies, so be sure it is well-aligned. Healing arts like chiropractic care and acupuncture, along with monitoring hormones, exercising and getting enough sleep, can ensure your body’s energy is charged up and flowing effectively.

Essential #4 – Heal Emotional Wounds

You might not know it but your emotional wellbeing affects your overall physical health. Things like stress, negative emotions, even being a chronic “people pleaser” can eventually take a toll.

Relaxing through sleep, exercise or meditation and the simple power of positive thinking can help your brain work for, not against, your body.

Essential #5 – Make The Dental Connection

Infections in teeth and gums can spread to other organs, and Dr. Desaulniers says the mercury – the most toxic metal on the planet – used in many dental procedures can, over time, create estrogen-dependent malignancies and other ill effects in the body.

Herbal remedies – and the right questions for your dentist – can help remove toxins and keep your teeth from coming back to bite you.

Essential #6 – Use Therapeutic Plants

Certain nutrients and herbs can boost your immune system and weaken cancer. A 2012 study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found, for example, that bromelain – an enzyme found in pineapples – helps kill cancer cells in breast cancer patients.

Essential #7 – Adopt Early Detection

Here, Dr. Desaulniers – like so many internationally recognized medical leaders – recommends thermography alongside routine anatomical tests like mammograms.

The technology – administered locally by Gretta Cullen at Thermography Clinic Ireland, – is a non-invasive tool used to identify changes in the body over time. It has been lauded for its ability to detect pre-cancerous signs six to eight years before a visible mass appears.

In addition to early detection, Thermography Clinic Ireland remains committed to educating women of all ages so they can fully take charge of their breast health.

What is Estrogen Dominance as a Hormonal Imbalance in Women?

PMS, fibroids, cellulite, menopause, hair loss, allergies, hip fat, belly fat, thyroid nodules or cancer, breast or uterine cancer, endometriosis or infertility? It could all be due to your estrogen.

What is Estrogen Dominance?

You might have heard of the term before used loosely in magazines and conversations.
That’s hardly surprising – Estrogen Dominance is one of the most common hormonal imbalances women experience today.
In fact, it is so common, that we assume that feeling PMS, being menopausal and having fibroids is pretty normal. I want to show you that it is not and there is a way to fix it.

Which 3 Reasons Cause Estrogen Dominance?

You can experience estrogen dominance if you have one or even all three of the below:

1. E1, E2 and E3 ratio: When there is too much estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2), also known as the “aggressive estrogens”, as compared to estriol (E3), which is the “protective estrogen.” This measurement is called the “Estrogen Quotient” and can be measured with a simple saliva test.

2. Progesterone: Estradiol ratio: When there is insufficient progesterone to oppose the more aggressive estradiol (E2) – this shows up as a ratio of progesterone to estradiol in saliva or urine tests.

3. Metabolites: When estrone metabolites called 2:16 hydroxy-estrone get broken down unfavorably towards the “dirty” metabolite – 16 hydroxy-estrone (that tends to be highly estrogenic and act on the estrogen receptor).

What Are Estrogen and Progesterone?

Before we go any further, let me first explain the role of these hormones. In very simplistic terms, think of estrogen as the “builder” and progesterone as the “differentiator,” and as the name implies, “pro-gestation” hormone.

Estrogen and progesterone do a beautiful dance together. We can’t function without them and can only function well with both these partners in a delicate balance.
Take a look at the below chart to gain an understanding and appreciation of how these two hormones dance together.


estrogen and progesterone
estrogen dominance symptoms

Do You Have Estrogen Dominance?

If you have not done any tests yet, that’s OK. A good diagnosis is always based on lab work, symptoms and family health history, especially from your mother’s side (this applies to women).

Start by taking my Free Estrogen Quiz which will help to determine if you’re experiencing any symptoms of Estrogen Dominance.

Why Address Estrogen Dominance Proactively?

If you are already diagnosed with Estrogen Dominance you are probably motivated to do something about it. Some women experience painful PMS or other symptoms and learn to live with it. However, there is a far greater question:

“How is estrogen affecting me in the long run?”

The evidence that worries me the most is that of the clear connection between Estrogen Dominance and breast cancer. You can read the medical research and references here.

Breast cancer is second only to non-melanoma skin cancer as the most common cancer among women in the United States. According to the National Cancer Institute, more than 192,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the United States. Other conditions that have been linked to Estrogen Dominance are uterine cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infertility.

Why Do We Become Estrogen Dominant?

Estrogen Dominance is a complex condition and can be caused by some of these:

  • Eating non-organic food – which is grown “conventionally” (this term is ridiculous, in my world), contains a high amount of pesticides, fertilizers as well as growth hormones and antibiotics that are fed to animals. They contribute to endocrine disruption in every way you can imagine
  • Excess exposure to environmental xenoestrogens – a number of chemical compounds (like phthalates, BPA, SLS, and many others) found in consumer products such as detergents and skincare products.
  • Use of synthetic estrogens such as the birth control pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Digestive issues which inhibit the estrogen detoxification process in the liver and overproduce cortisol which blocks progesterone receptors
  • Chronic stress which strains the adrenals and the thyroid,
  • Unresolved emotional issues from the past and present-day
  • Poor diet
  • Poor liver function, as the liver is responsible for eliminating metabolized or “used up” estrogens
  • Lifestyle choices such as drugs (prescription and recreational), smoking, and alcohol
  • Genetic variants that make some women more prone.

What Should Be Your Next Steps In Regards To Estrogen Dominance?

Here is the good news. You can do many things to help yourself right away.
There is always an option of taking topical creams but I do not recommend this as an immediate solution. Build a healthy foundation for yourself so you can prevent other conditions – like autoimmune conditions which are also becoming a pandemic. Your food and lifestyle choices can take away the underlying causes of Estrogen Dominance. Here is how:

1. A Thermography Scan can provide information about hormonal imbalance affecting Breast Tissue

A Breast Thermography Scan, can be suggestive of hormone imbalance and how this affecting/stimulating the growth of Breast Tissue. Remember the single biggest risk factor of a person developing Breast Cancer, is their exposure to estrogen in their lifetime. This information will not been given by structural tests such as MRI, Mammogram Ultrasound etc… Therefore Breast Thermography can truly play a role in Breast Cancer prevention.

2. Go organic

If you think that organic food is just a hype or a “hippie thing” to do, think again. Most of the chemical compounds used in raising “conventional” food and growing animals are highly detrimental to your hormonal balance. If you are on a tight budget, all main supermarkets offer a range of organic fruit & veg.

3. Eliminate xenoestrogen

Xenoestrogen are compounds found in general consumer products such as creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfumes, hair sprays, and room deodorizers. Such compounds often have chemical structures similar to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen.
Other sources of xenoestrogens include: car exhaust, petrochemically derived pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; solvents and adhesives such as those found in nail polish; paint removers, and glues; dry-cleaning chemicals; practically all plastics; industrial waste such as PCBs and dioxins, and synthetic estrogens from urine of women taking HRT and birth control pills that are flushed down the toilet and eventually find their way into the food chain and back into the body. They are fat soluble which means we need the engage the liver to get rid of them.

4. Improve your liver function

In short: your liver is responsible for the evacuation of metabolized estrogens (the methylation pathway in the liver) to make way for more healthy estrogens.

Please note that in order to detox your liver, you need to make dietary and lifestyle changes for a period of time. Powders, pills, and supplements alone will NOT be effective enough to help your liver.

5. Restore the health of your digestive system

The health of your gut is central to your overall health as much as your hormonal balance. I am yet to meet a person who is healthy but has digestive issues. When I say “digestive issues” I mean chronic constipation, gas, bloating, diarrhea, acid reflux, burping, and frequent stomach aches.

A distressed digestive tract will prompt the adrenals to release cortisol. Cortisol is a progesterone blocker at the cell level. Can you see now why any form of stress (emotional, physical, digestive, etc.) can lead to Estrogen Dominance?

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