Risk Assessing Breast Thermography Imaging Overview

Breast Cancer Prevention

Mammograms are promoted by many organizations fro prevention. But of what? DEATH… if “early detection” is obtained. But early detection is still “after the fact:” cancer has occurred. True prevention would imply no breast cancer manifests. When Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging, a “before the fact” test, is combined with preventive education materials (like “Better Breast Health – for Life!™), with a client who is proactively managing risk factors, true prevention a more likely possibility.

Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging and Prevention

If a woman learns through her thermal imaging that she is at high risk for developing cancer, she may have an early opportunity to intervene and reverse the situation through risk factor management. If she did not know she was at risk, would she have had this opportunity? On the other hand, why would a woman at lowest risk be overly anxious and consider aggressively managing every risk factor possible?

“I like to think of my risk assessment as a way of understanding how all the risk factors are collectively impacting my breast health at any given point in time. If I don’t like the results, I make changes in one or more of these factors and monitor the impact with a new risk assessment. Over time, I hope to reduce my risk ratings, improve my breast health, and avoid breast cancer.”  – Tina

Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging assesses each breast’s cancer risk with a Thermobiological Risk Rating. On a scale of 1 to 5, each number represents the level of risk for developing breast cancer, with 1 being lowest and 5 being highest. Think of it as a way of objectively monitoring the collective effect of 35+ breast cancer risk factors on each breast.


So each breast is assessed a simple number you can use to monitor your level of risk over time. If you are uncomfortable with your level or risk… or it is increasing over time… you can intervene and act. We can show you potential risk factors in your images, educate you on likely causes, and provide action steps, tools and resources to support prevention and a healthier tomorrow. While approximately 90% of our first-time clients have thermal findings/breast inflammation, approximately 80% see improving findings/inflammation and subsequent risk reduction at their next visit (when they choose the prevention service).

Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging and Early Breast Cancer Detection

The average cancer takes up to 8-10 years to become large enough to be visible on a mammogram, typically at 3 mm. But active cancers begin creating a blood supply at about 1/5 mm.

Thermal imaging looks for signs of developing blood supply, as well as signs of risk contributing to inflammation.

There is a known standard for a low risk thermogram. Breast disease causes thermograms to significantly deviate from that standard. Low risk breast thermograms show symmetrical heat patterns and similar temperatures in the breasts, while high risk thermograms do not:


This is an example of a low risk thermogram.

thermal image abnormal

This is an example of a highest risk thermogram.

Active cancer cells are blood thirsty and stimulate the development of new blood vessels to feed them (neoangiogenesis). These vascular formations are one thermobiological sign that cancer may be developing. The thermogram above and right is an example of a highest risk thermogram, from a 33 year old client who had a normal mammogram and a normal ultrasound. Can you see the vascular formation in her right breast, pictured on the left of the image? This thermogram led to directed clinical palpation followed by lumpectomy that revealed a 3 mm carcinoma. While this client did not have time to reverse the situation, she was able to obtain a relatively early diagnosis. Information is power, Knowing your Breast Cancer risk, enables you to be proactive and make changes to prevent disease.

Contact info@thermographyireland.ie or call 0886 1623683 to schedule an appointment or get more information.

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