
Focusing on and improving your GUT health is our top tip for hormonal health.

How Digestion Affects Your Hormones

Every organ and cellular function is dependent directly or indirectly on a healthy digestive system… especially hormones, as hormone breakdown and excretion are heavily reliant on your digestive system working efficiently.

Digestive health is critical for hormonal balance and a new area of research into the symbiotic relationship between microorganisms and cells in the human body is emerging. Turns out that a certain set of gut bacteria – more specifically certain bacterial genes called the estrobolome – produce an essential enzyme that helps metabolise estrogen. 

Your gut, therefore, is part of the elimination system that’s vital in ushering hormones out of the body. To encourage the balance and production of these healthy partners, our diet and lifestyle need to play an important role. 

Why Gut health is vital

It’s not just estrobolome that is important; there are literally thousands of different microorganisms that make up our microbiome which, in turn, modulate hormone production and breakdown. Considering the fact that over 90% of the serotonin in our bodies is produced in the GUT through these healthy bugs, our moods can be directly linked to the balance in our microbiome!  

Estrogen Dominance as a result of a poorly functioning microbiome also leads to every hormonal imbalance symptom or sickness you can think of – infertility, PMS, low libido, cramps, heavy bleeding, and PCOS. Plus, it can make you far more susceptible to estrogen-led cancers like breast cancer. 

How to maintain a healthy microbiome for happier hormones

The latest research shows that unless we make a conscious effort, we in the Western world cannot maintain a healthy gut. The mainstream lifestyle works against our microbiome with what we generally eat and how we live. We have to decide to take control of our own health and make the right choices.

Here’s my list of Do’s and Don’ts: 

  • DO get rid of the white stuff – that’s processed dairy, sugar and gluten.
  • DO eat fermented foods rich in good bacteria like kimchi and sauerkraut – a couple of tablespoons a day will work wonders.
  • DO heal the gut a Hair Mineral Analysis – HTMA will help establish the Root Cause of your digestive issues
  • DO drink fermented drinks like coconut water kefir, kombucha and Rejuvelac.
  • DO eat fibre-rich & fermented foods such as asparagus, carrots, root vegetables, and greens which encourage microorganism growth and increasing your natural production of pre and probiotics, dietary fiber, and lactic acid to assist in rebuilding your healthy digestive bacteria and natural digestive enzyme production.
  • DO deal with constipation naturally.
  • DON’T take too many antibiotics. Avoid eating meat that contains antibiotics and be wary of turning to antibiotics every time you have a cough or cold. Overuse will harm your estrobolome. As the antibiotics kill off the bad bacteria, they also kill off the good bacteria and it can be very difficult for the microbiome to bounce back from an aggressive course. More and more of us are becoming aware of the dangers of antibiotics overuse as we see what happens when superbugs that are resistant to any kind of medical treatment are created.
  • DON’T use the Pill. The Pill acts like an antibiotic in the gut, destroying the microbiome balance. If your doctor prescribes the Pill for PCOS particularly, you’ll find it will only worsen the problems of weight gain and insulin sensitivity because of the impact on gut flora. Just recently new research linked Pill use to an increased risk of Crohn’s disease, which is symptomatic of an imbalance in the microbiome.

A healthy gut is key to maintaining optimum hormone balance and lowering your risk for a wide range of lifestyle diseases. I encourage you to to work on healing your gut, as the first place to start with any hormone balancing programme.

“WHAT LIES BENEATH THE SURFACE? How Thermography Can Lead You To Optimal Health”

The Canadian Association of Clinical Thermography is hosting its first learning conference on Sunday, Nov. 15th. This is a One-day, FREE, online event. 
This conference is for you, if you are interested in disease prevention and want accurate information & education about the world of thermography and creating optimal health.

It’s time to take charge of your health and become empowered. 
Join us FREE on Sunday, November 15th for the CACT Virtual 1-Day Conference and learn from world-renowned experts in thermography how to:
☑️ Explore ways to be proactive & TAKE CHARGE of your breast health
☑️ Learn the ROOT CAUSE of your chronic pain

☑️ Find out how poor dental health can lead to systemic disease & HOW TO PREVENT IT
☑️ Discover ways to create a HEALTHY FUTURE for you & your family

Register today to reserve your seat for this rare FREE event and join us 9am-5pm on Sunday, November 15th from the comfort of your couch.

Breast Cancer Averted: Thermography Before & After Pictures

Army of Women at Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 002

Breast Thermography, is all about prevention. Breast Thermography is a radiation-free, non-invasive assessment tool. Below is an example of how Breast Thermography can alert you to changes that are happening in your breast tissue (that you are not aware of). Theses changes happen years before a cancer will be picked up by a structural test such as an ultrasound or mammogram. At this stage with this information changes can be made to lifestyle and diet to reduce your overall breast cancer risk.

Here are before and after photos.

Thermography Before Photo
Thermography Before Photo

In the BEFORE photo, The right breast (would be the left one in the photo) shows feeder blood flow (new vessels forming these can be potentially feeding a cancerous cell cluster). Looks like a red and yellow snake weaving across the breast.

An ultrasound was recommended to rule out current pathology, fortunately there was no tumor formed yet.

Thermography After Photo
Thermography After Photo

Six months later the AFTER photos show a dramatic cut-off of the blood flow (feeder vessels) and the blue and green coolness of the breasts and nipples are more in line with normalcy.

With the information gained from the use of Breast Thermography, it can be the starting point to establish what exactly is the root cause of this change in function in the breast tissue, and by working with a qualified therapist a Health Protocol can be followed to revert these negative changes. Such changes made can nip in the bud the possibility of cancer formation.

How About You?

Have you tried thermography, this is a non-invasive radiation-free assessment tool ? Would you like to include this assessment tool in your breast health protocol ? Do you need help restoring the health of your breast tissue ? If so contact us on Ph: 086 1623683 or email for more information.

Why We Love Thermography

Routine mammography is widely accepted as a necessary tool for breast cancer detection. But recent studies are finding this screening method may not be as safe, effective, or even accurate as it was once believed to be.

There are obvious drawbacks of routine tissue compression and radiation exposure. And newer 3-D mammography scans use even higher levels of radiation.

The good news is…There is a safer, non-invasive, and radiation-free alternative: thermography.

What is Thermography?

Thermography uses a highly-specialized infrared camera to measure the amount of thermal energy emitted by an area of the body. The results are digitally analyzed to create a map of these heat patterns. From this digital map, our Board Certified Thermographer, Dr. Alex Mostovoy, is able to identify and explain any areas of concern.

Benefits of Thermography

  • Non-invasive and painless, no compression of the breast tissue
  • Infrared technology (NO radiation)
  • Safe – even during pregnancy
  • Early detection of abnormal areas – in some cases up to 10 years sooner than other screening methods

How Does Thermography Assess Breast Tissue ?

The goal of thermography is to identify problem areas before structural changes even occur. This differs from mammogram technology, which can only pick up lesions that are already large enough to be visualized.

When abnormal cells begin to multiply, the area draws extra blood flow. This localized increase in circulatory activity causes more heat to be emitted from the site. Thermography works by measuring the increased heat, or thermal energy, being produced by the area.

Thermography Benefits for Breast Cancer Screening

Breast Thermography does not involve any contact with the breast nor radiation: from a distance of 4-8 feet it just measures temperature emitted by the body, giving the provider the image of the vascular patterns and temperature distribution, therefore the state of physiology of it.

And those physiological changes can precede the anatomical ones (that the mammogram can spot) by many years. So when needed, we can address life style elements and restore our health. That’s why breast thermography is the preventative approach.”

Next Steps…

Call us or email the clinic and see how you can take control of your breast health,including implementing dietary and lifestyle modifications along with thermography to lower your breast cancer risk.

High Insulin and Sugar Increases Breast Cancer Risk

It’s estimated that the average person eats almost their entire body weight in sugar every year. Cancer cells love sugar. It’s their preferred fuel. The more sugar you eat, the faster cancer cells grow. Your pancreas responds to sugar by releasing insulin, the hormone that escorts sugar into your cells. When you eat refined simple sugars, such as white table sugar, candy, cookies, or other sugar-laden foods, your blood sugar levels rise very quickly. Your pancreas responds by releasing a lot of insulin. That’s not good. High insulin levels are one of the biggest risk factors and promoters of breast cancer. Women with high insulin levels have a 283 percent greater risk of breast cancer.

When it comes to breast cancer, insulin is no friend. One of the biggest reasons is due to the fact that both normal breast cells and cancer cells have insulin receptors on them. When insulin attaches to its receptor, it has the same effect as when estrogen attaches to its receptor; it causes cells to start dividing. The higher your insulin levels are, the faster your breast cells will divide; the faster they divide, the higher your risk of breast cancer is and the faster any existing cancer cells will grow.

There’s also another detriment that high insulin levels can inflict. It makes more estrogen available to attach to the estrogen receptors in breast tissue. Insulin regulates how much of the estrogen in your blood is available to attach to estrogen receptors in your breast tissue. When estrogen travels in the blood, it either travels alone seeking an estrogen receptor, or it travels with a partner, a protein binder, that prevents it from attaching to an estrogen receptor. Insulin regulates the number of protein binders in the blood. So, the higher your insulin levels are, the fewer the number of protein binders there will be and therefore the more free estrogen that will be available to attach to estrogen receptors.

In other words, when your insulin levels are up, free-estrogen levels are up, and both of them speed up cell division. That’s why high insulin levels increase your risk of breast cancer so much. Eating sugar increases your risk of breast cancer in another way. It delivers a major blow to your immune system with the force of a prize fighter. Your immune system is your natural defense against such invaders as bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Research shows that right after you eat a high-sugar meal, your immune system function drops drastically. Sugar decreases T lymphocyte (a type of white blood cell), function by 50-94 percent. This effect lasts for a minimum of five hours. This means that right after you’ve eaten a lot of sugar, your body’s ability to fight off invaders or destroy cancer cells is tremendously weakened for several hours.

Over a period of time, eating too much sugar can create imbalances that lead to two more deadly diseases: obesity and diabetes. Both of these diseases dangerously increase your risk of breast cancer and their rates have alarmingly increased in the United States in the past two decades. An estimated 60 percent of the adult population are overweight and 5 percent have diabetes. Of those people who have diabetes, 90 percent are also overweight. Not only do these diseases increase your risk of breast cancer, but they also increase your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, poor circulation, stroke and infection.

A study conducted by Harvard Medical School (2004) found that women who ate high-glycemic foods that increase blood glucose levels as teenagers had a higher incidence of breast cancer later in life. So, encouraging your teenage daughter to cut back on sugar will help her to lower her risk of breast cancer for the rest of her life.

Although diet is important in helping to control blood sugar disorders, unless the neuro-endocrine and nutritional imbalances are specifically addressed it will be difficult to stabilize and control blood sugar and insulin levels. Contact the Clinic for details of our approach to maintaining healthy breasts, and get information on the appropriate testing for you.

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