
Comparing Mammography and Thermography

Breast cancer screening is used to identify breast cancer in women who have no physical symptoms. It is hoped that finding breast cancer early will enable women to undergo less invasive treatments, with better outcomes.


However, there is currently much debate about which methods should be used for screening, and how often women should be screened.

Watch the video below and stay informed to make the best choices for your Breast Health.

Adrenal Fatigue and Breast Cancer. Is there a connection ?


What are the Adrenals?   

The adrenals are glands that rest just above the kidneys. They are the main production center for stress hormones, namely cortisol and adrenaline. What a lot of people don’t know, however, is that the adrenals also produce the reproductive hormone progesterone. According to many studies including a 2007 Italian investigation published in the journal Breast Cancer Research, progesterone is not only responsible for reproductive health. It is also a powerful cancer-protector.

What Happens During Chronic Stress

You may have heard of the “flight or fight” response. In fact, you have probably experienced it yourself (maybe even quite recently!). You may also know that when the body goes into this mode, it pushes out cortisol and adrenaline at a high rate, diverting energy and blood flow from processes like digestion to the extremities so you can run from that tiger (or your boss).

When you are “stressed out,” the body amps up production of cortisol and adrenaline in the adrenals to give you the best “chance of survival.” In the process, however, the adrenals also turn production of progesterone way down. When this occurs, a woman’s body doesn’t produce enough progesterone for puberty if she is growing nor lactation if she is pregnant.

Being in constant stress mode, also called chronic stress, can also lead to adrenal fatigue or “burn out.” Adrenal fatigue and burn out occur when the adrenal glands are unable to keep up with the demands for what it produces. It is estimated that in today’s stressed world, upwards of 80% of Americans may have adrenal fatigue. Many may not even know it.

When stress is chronic and adrenal fatigue sets in, this also means a greater cancer risk for any woman, regardless of her age.

Three Things You Can Do to Heal Your Adrenals, Increase Progesterone Production and Prevent Cancer!

joint study conducted by Cambridge University, the University of Texas and others found that progesterone inhibited estrogen-mediate cancer cell growth. An important first step for balancing progesterone naturally is to heal your adrenals. Here are a few simple ways to do this:

#1. Reduce stress. This is perhaps the most important thing you can do to heal and restore your adrenals. Remember that stress makes them work harder, pumping vast amounts of cortisol and adrenaline into your body. When you reduce stress through meditation, walking, laughing or simply changing your perspective and slowing your pace, you put both your mind and body into the relaxation response. This is when healing hormones like progesterone can be produced.

#2. Get plenty of sleep. Right along with lowering stress in general is taking advantage of the restorative properties of quality sleep. According to the Mayo clinic, cortisol surges after 11 pm so it is vital for individuals who want to heal their adrenals get to bed before then. Also take time for short rest periods during the day as needed. This could be a 20-minute power nap at lunchtime, a restorative yoga class after work or a relaxing bath or sauna session right before bed (or any time!).

#3. Flood your adrenals with essential nutrients. The best vitamins to help restore your adrenals are the “B’s,” especially B12 and B6. Other key nutrients that you may be deficient in are selenium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and vitamin D. All of these are important for proper adrenal function as well as thyroid function.

Adrenal fatigue can leave you feeling worn out, tired and zapped of energy. There is a solution, however. Reduce stress and give your body the nutrients it needs. Then it can balance itself and help you prevent and heal breast cancer naturally!


Swiss Medical Board STOPS Mammography Screenings for this Shocking Reason!

In January of 2013, the Swiss Medical Board was mandated to prepare a review of mammography screening. The board included a medical ethicist, a clinical epidemiologist, a clinical pharmacologist, an oncologic surgeon, a nurse scientist, a lawyer and a health economist.

In the New England Journal of Medicine, two members of the board — Nikola Biller-Andorno M.D. Ph. D. and Peter Juni, M.D. shared their perspective, saying “As we embarked on the project, we were aware of the controversies that have surrounded mammography screening for the past 10-15 years. When we received the available evidence and contemplated its implications in detail, however, we became increasingly concerned.”

The Harms of Over-diagnosis

The doctors explained how shocked they were to find such little evidence that the benefits of mammography screening outweighed the harms. “The relative risk reduction of approximately 20% in breast-cancer mortality associated with mammography that is currently described by most expert panels came at the price of a considerable diagnostic cascade, with repeat mammography, subsequent biopsies, and overdiagnosis of breast cancers — cancers that would never have become clinically apparent.”

According to the Canadian National Breast Screening Study conducted over a period of 25 years, 106 of 484 screen-detected cancers were over-diagnosed, coming out to 21.9%. The doctors on the board explained, “This means that 106 of the 44,925 healthy women in the screening group were diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer unnecessarily, which resulted in needless surgical interventions, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or some combination of these therapies.”

The Benefits are Largely Overestimated

An additional review of 10 trials involving more than 600,000 women showed no evidence that mammography screening had an effect on overall mortality, which raised questions about the benefits of mammography screening. A survey about U.S. women’s perceptions found that 71.5% of women said they believed that mammography reduced the risk of death from breast cancer by at least half, and 72.1% thought that at least 80 deaths would be prevented per each 1,000 women screened. Here are the actual numbers: mammography provides a risk reduction of 20%, and 1 death may be prevented per each 1,000 women screened.

The Swiss Medical Board became concerned about the alarming difference in numbers. They wondered how women could make an informed decision if they so vastly overestimate the benefits of mammography. Their report was made public on February 2, 2014. They acknowledged that there was no evidence to suggest that mammography screening affected the overall mortality rate, and emphasized the harm of false positive tests and the risk of overdiagnosis.

Let’s look at the numbers. For every breast-cancer death prevented in U.S. women over a 10-year course of annual screening beginning at 50 years of age:

  • 490-670 women are likely to have a false positive mammogram with repeat examination
  • 70-100 women are likely to have an unnecessary biopsy
  • 3-14 women had an over-diagnosed breast cancer that would never have become clinically apparent

The Final Recommendation

The board’s recommendation was that no new systematic mammography screening programs be introduced, and that a time limit be placed on existing programs. In addition, they stated that the quality of all forms of mammography screening should be evaluated, and clear information should be provided to women regarding both the benefits and the harms of screening.

The Swiss Medical Board’s recommendations are not legally binding, but the report didn’t sit well with a number of Swiss cancer experts and organizations. According to the doctors on the board, “One of the main arguments used against it was that it contradicted the global consensus of leading experts in the field… Another argument was that the report unsettled women, but we wonder how to avoid unsettling women, given the available evidence.”

What Women Should Know About Breast Density

Thermography Clinic Ireland wishes to educate women about the risks and screening challenges of dense breast tissue and its impact on missed, delayed and advanced stage breast cancer to reduce advanced disease and mortality.

“It just might be the greatest cancer risk you’ve never heard of.”

Five facts about dense breast tissue

  • 40% of women have dense breast tissue
  • Breast density is one of the strongest predictors of the failure of mammography to detect cancer
  • Mammography misses every other cancer in dense breasts
  • Breast density is a well-established predictor of breast cancer risk
  • High breast density is a greater risk factor than having two first degree relatives with breast cancer

The vast majority of women are unaware of the density of their breasts.

  1. 95% of women do not know their breast density.
  2. Less than one in 10 women learn about their dense breast tissue from their doctors.

The sensitivity of Thermography is not affected by breast density, making Breast Thermography an ideal assessment tool.

Watch a video regarding the Dense Breast Issue:

Minerals: The Spark Plugs of Life

It’s hard to ignore when double Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Linus Pauling stated: “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

Most of us don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables to meet minimum mineral RDAs. Even the trace minerals in organic foods are depleted.

Vitamins depend on minerals to function. As such a large percentage of us are mineral deficient, it’s no wonder that the vitamins we ingest often don’t deliver the vitality we expect.

Unfortunately, most multi-mineral supplements don’t absorb well enough to make a dent in reversing these mineral deficiencies. Coupled with the fact there is no consideration to individual mineral deficiency when taking a general multivitamin.

  • Mineral deficiency has been traced to be a cause of all disease, according to the 2 time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling.
  • Most of us do not eat sufficient fruits and vegetables to account for minimal mineral requirements, according to the RDAs
  • The main causes of mineral deficiency are poor digestion, depleted soils, malnutrition, and malabsorption.
  • Minerals are responsible for thousands of bio-chemical processes in the body. As many minerals work synergistically, a deficiency in just one mineral can have a devastating impact on the body.
  • HTMA and accompanying Blood Work can provide information, helping us to reverse and prevent deficiency.

Each of the following systems in the body utilize minerals. Research shows that imbalances or deficiencies in mineral nutrition can affect these systems(1):

  • Immune System

  • Energy Production (Adrenal and Thyroid)

  • Hormone System

  • Vitamin Production

  • Blood Production

  • Enzyme Systems

  • Skeletal System

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