

The physiology of the stress response: can make you fatigued, affect your blood pressure, and can cause weight fluctuations.

But adrenal fatigue also sets you up for estrogen dominance. This predisposes women to:

  • PMS: irritability, weepiness, anxiety, depression, mood swings
  • Breast tenderness
  • Severe menstrual cramping
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding (menorrhagia)
  • Spotting between cycles
  • Thick clotting in blood
  • Acne
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Water retention
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Fibroids
  • Migraines
  • Endometriosis

This is because all of the adrenal hormones have a common ancestor: cholestrol (see the chart below. This is a MAJOR reason why it’s not a good idea to drive cholesterol too low, by the way!)


As you can see, progesterone (the main hormone that counteracts estrogen) is a precursor in the adrenal glands for both cortisol and another adrenal hormone, aldosterone (the one responsible for blood pressure changes).

What Progesterone Does

While estrogen encourages tissue proliferation (i.e. makes more of your endometrial lining, which can lead to heavy periods), progesterone does the opposite, nourishing the endometrial lining in case you get pregnant. It also counterbalances the estrogen dominance symptoms above, helping to lift the mood, restore libido, improve memory, assist with sleep, and protect against endometrial cancer.

In a Competition against Progesterone, Cortisol Wins

Of the adrenal hormones, cortisol is the most important. Too much is a problem, but too little is disaster. If the body has to choose which of the steroid hormones to make, it’ll pick cortisol every time. This means in times of high stress, when we need more cortisol to counterbalance adrenaline, our bodies will pass right on through the progesterone stage and make cortisol.

The Take-Home Message:

In times of high stress, PMS and menopausal symptoms are likely to get worse. No assessment of hormones can be made without assessing Thyroid & Adrenal glands, Liver & Gut function & how the body is handling Blood Sugar. l use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) coupled with a specific Blood test to provide information on the above. Remember true healing is achieved by addressing the root cause of the issue & not just concentrating on treating the symptoms.

Does Thermography Replace Mammograms?

Question: Does Thermography Replace Mammograms?

This is the most frequently asked question I receive.

Usually following the question: “So… …what is thermography?”

Let me see if I can tackle both for you.

Thermography & mammography are complimentary tools in the war against breast cancer.

Thermography is known to provide the earliest sign that a cancer may be forming.

In fact, thermal scans may detect the first signs of some cancers forming years before other procedures such as mammograms.

Here’s how it works.

Cancer is all about abnormal cell growth. When cells grow they need to be fed, and they are fed by way of blood vessels. Abnormal cell growth actually calls for new blood vessels to be formed in order for those cells to be fed. Abnormal cell growth also causes abnormal heat in that area.

Here’s where thermography comes in.

Thermography uses no radiation and no body contact, but instead the camera and software read the infra-red heat radiating from the surface of the body. Its going to be noting heat patterns and vascularity patterns. Abnormal heat patterns and vascularity patterns detect a problem in process or starting.

Mammography is screening for disease that already exists.

It utilizes ionizing radiation and compression to detect structures or masses. The structure usually needs to be the size of a pea or greater to be detected. Since cancer cells double every 90 days, it can take about 8 years to grow to this size, depending on the cancer. A fine needle biopsy is generally then performed to identify the type of tissue in the structure, to determine if cancerous cells are present.

In short:

A thermogram shows a problem happening, or starting.

A mammogram is going to look for a structure that has grown.

A biopsy looks at what is inside the structure.. to determine if it is cancerous or not.

They all serve their purposes.

Should a woman stop getting mammograms and get thermograms instead?

That’s for every woman to decide for themselves. Many feel that thermography is an essential addition to every woman’s health care. It is actually recommended to start thermograms at age 20. The standard protocol is to have regular paps, self breast exams, and clinical breast exams. Why not add thermography to this plan?

It is 100% safe and completely non-invasive: With no radiation and no body contact.

It may detect the earliest signs that a problem is starting. And with cancer, early detection is key. Early detection allows for time…Time to be proactive. If a thermogram shows a high risk for breast cancer present, then a mammogram can then be performed to find a structure, followed by a biopsy to determine the presence of cancer.

Each procedure serves their own purpose, in their own time.

Thermography Screening: Safe & Effective Imaging for Dense Breasts

Women with dense breasts have special screening considerations addressed only by Thermography.

Understanding what “dense breast” means is helpful in understanding the limitations of performing a mammogram on dense breasts. Thermographic breast imaging does not present the problems of traditional screening methods like mammography and can be an excellent choice for women with dense breast tissue who wish to monitor their breast health with no-radiation breast screenings

Having dense breasts is not abnormal and in fact is quite common. The term dense breast is often used incorrectly to describe breast tissue that feels firm to the touch. Breast density actually has nothing to do with firmness or size. In truth, the proportion of fatty tissue to non-fatty tissue determines density. Breasts are considered dense when there is a higher proportion of glands, ducts, and connective tissue, than there is fatty tissue. When the breast is dense, the fibrous connective tissue will appear in mammographic images as white spots, as opposed to a breast with a high degree of fatty tissue, which appears as a more solid dark grey picture. Tumors also appear as white spots on mammograms, making it difficult to detect the presence of a tumor on the mammogram of a dense breast.

This is why women with dense breasts need to take extra care when making decisions about breast screening. Breast density is so important that The American College of Radiology includes density measurement in their reporting system. In some states, reporting density is so important, law mandates that a statement similar to the following be included in each mammography report:

“Your mammogram shows that your breast tissue is dense. Dense breast tissue can make it harder to evaluate the results of your mammogram and may also be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.”

Dense Breasts? Thermography Versus Mammography

Once you know you have dense breasts you must be on your guard because having dense breasts is associated with a higher incidence of cancer; likely due to the trouble differentiating between what is normal breast tissue vs. a growth on a mammograms. Conversely, dense breasts do not affect thermography. The composition of the breast tissue will not impede the measurement of heat being emitted from the body so the thermograhic picture quality will not be compromised.

Breast thermography is a non-invasive, non-radiologic screening test used by many women to look for early signs of pathology in the breast. While it can be useful for all women, it is especially suitable for those with dense breasts. During a thermography screening, an infrared digital camera captures representations of “hot spots” caused by blood vessel activity associated with tumor development.

The activity in blood vessels surrounding a tumor will begin to occur quite early in the growth process so thermography has the potential to help identify a tumor when it is smaller, at an earlier, and likely, a more treatable stage of development. Thermography is not intended to be a replacement for mammography, but is FDA-approved for women with all breast types wishing to use a non-radiation approach for breast health.

Schedule your safe and natural thermal breast scan or full body scan today and achieve peace of mind … 

Thermography can detect early signs of the development of disease in the body such as formation of tumors and breast cancer as well as periodontal and heart disease. Thermal imaging scans performed with experience and expertise can allow you to identify and understand potential health issues today rather than years from now when it can be too late to treat.

Contact us today at 086 1623683 to schedule your appointment and achieve the peace of mind that comes with early health awareness and prevention.

Histamine and Stress: Why Stress is Toxic for Histamine Intolerance Symptoms

There is a close relationship between histamine intolerance and stress.

In fact, the levels of stress and histamine release impact one-another dramatically.

And – your brain may be influencing everything from your sleep to your symptoms. Especially if it’s severe, as in the case of panic attacks, anxiety and depression.

So, whether it’s common daily stress or extreme stress – let’s get to discussing the relationship between histamine and stress.

And, how stress and histamine release may be creating a cycle that’s doing your body more harm than necessary.

Histamine Intolerance Revealed

Histamine is an essential neurotransmitter with involvement in the digestive, immune and central nervous systems. There are four types of histamine receptors located throughout the body:

1. H1 receptors are present in the cells involved in inflammation and allergic responses.

2. H2 receptors can be found in the stomach, where histamine is involved in the release of gastric acid as part of the digestive process.

3. H3 receptors are primarily found in the brain, where histamine acts as a neurotransmitter.

4. H4 receptors are found in a broad range of the body’s organ tissues and participate in histamines interaction with key granulocytes such as mast cells.

While histamine is an essential component of a healthy body, research suggests that at least 1% of the population suffer with histamine intolerance (1). When histamine is accumulated in excess, it can trigger a myriad of seemingly unrelated and debilitating symptoms.

Many of us are familiar with the term ‘histamine’ as it relates to allergies, however the context for its role in a broader range of disorders is often poorly understood.

As histamine primarily travels via the bloodstream, it can have a vast reaching influence on the gut, brain, skin and heart often resulting in the experience of anxiety, panic attacks and even insomnia.

What Causes Histamine Intolerance?

Histamine intolerance results from histamine excess in the body. When a disproportion between the amount of histamine being released and the body’s ability to metabolize it exists, histamine builds up in the system, often triggering a myriad of uncomfortable symptoms(2).

There are many causes of histamine intolerance – I’ve summarized some of the causes below:

Mast cell Release

As part of the body’s natural immune response, when an allergen is detected, it binds to immunoglobulin-E (IgE) antibodies, which signal the body’s mast cells to release inflammatory substances such as histamine.

DAO is an enzyme in the gut which regulates the resorption of histamine in the intestine. When DAO is inhibited, histamine cannot be broken down correctly and so levels of histamine in the body increase

Gut dysfunction

As histamine is both produced and broken down in the gut, compromised gut health can cause imbalanced histamine levels. For this reason, there is often a similarity between symptoms of bacterial overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome (5), leaky gut and histamine intolerance.

High consumption of histamine-rich foods and beverages

Histamine occurs naturally in the foods and drinks we consume. Those who suffer with histamine intolerance often see their symptoms worsen after the consumption of high histamine items such as cheese, chocolate and alcohol (3). Sticking to a diet that eliminates high histamine foods and histamine releasing foods is essential. If you are looking for a comprehensive diet, click the button below to download the free low histamine diet.

Regardless of the root cause, one thing is for sure: stress is a negative addition that can increase histamine release and significantly worsen symptoms. Let’s discuss why that is.

How are Histamine and Stress Related?

Stress, in particular, can be a problem for those experiencing histamine intolerance, as it can trigger an increase in histamine release, often exacerbating present symptoms.

Let me give you a brief science lesson…

When the body is under stress, it releases the stress hormone cortisol which calls the nervous system into action. The hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis is then stimulated by the nervous system which puts the body into ‘fight or flight’ mode.

This cascade of events signals the body that it is under attack and, so, all of its resources are poured into energy conservation, which causes high energy processes such as digestion to shut down.

Following this, the sympathetic nervous system is engaged; releasing neurotransmitters such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine to sharpen the senses and put your body on high alert for danger.

As part of this stress response, the sympathetic nervous system can further activate the immune system, leading to mast cell degranulation and the release of even more histamine into the bloodstream.

Histamine and stress are related in this way, with the outcome being that stress increases histamine release.

While these evolutionary mechanisms are advantageous when the body is under significant external threat, the real problem occurs when this stress response is habitually triggered due to the various environmental and psychological stressors we are frequently exposed to.

Overtime, the histamine and stress response cycle can increase histamine release, which can spark a number of symptoms, including:

Histamine and Anxiety & Depression:

Histamine and stress are able to cause significant mood disorders due to the role of histamine in the brain.

The presence of H3 histamine receptors in the brain explains the high occurrence of mood disorders in those who are histamine intolerant.

In the brain, histamine acts as a neurotransmitter which can affect the levels of mood altering neurotransmitters such as GABA, dopamine and serotonin; causing the increased expression of anxious and depressive feelings.

Histamine and Insomnia:

Histamine has been indicated in the onset of sleep disturbances; both in the case of insomnia and excessive sleepiness. Recent research reveals that histamine may in fact play an integral role in the circadian rhythm.

In fact, the histaminergic system is localized within the hypothalamus brain region which can directly influence many aspects of the central nervous system. It has been found that activation of the H1 histamine receptor promotes sleep, while H3 receptor activation stimulates increased wakefulness.

Not only can the relationship between histamine and stress throw off sleep balance and promote insomnia in the first place. But, the lack of sleep can cause increased stress and histamine release, therefore cyclically worsening these issues.

Histamine and Panic attacks:

Under conditions of excess histamine levels, many individuals report experiencing regular and debilitating panic attacks. These panic attacks can be partially attributed to the role of histamine in vasodilation or the widening of blood vessels within the heart.

This function causes blood pressure to drop as blood flows through the vessels more freely. In conjunction, the heart rate increases in order to continue pumping a consistent level of blood through the newly widened vessels.

This reduction in blood pressure combined with the increased heart rate can result in shortness of breath, dizziness and a rapid heartbeat; together causing the individual to feel as though they’re experiencing a panic attack.

Again, the connection between histamine and stress can worsen issues such as panic attacks, with the further issue being that stress and histamine release both increase.

As with the other conditions discussed, this may potentiate further panic attacks, and increase both histamine and stress levels.

Ways to Reduce Histamine and Stress

When it comes to histamine and stress, it’s important to note that stress acts as the trigger rather than the cause of histamine intolerance. However, taking steps to manage your stress levels can still be very effective in minimizing your symptoms.

Working to identify the source of your stress as well as taking steps to manage it effectively are important practices to adopt.

Although personal sources of stress may vary, below are some universal methods for effectively reducing stress and histamine release.

1. Magnesium Supplementation

Pay attention to your magnesium levels as stress can deplete magnesium in the body, while a lack of magnesium can amplify the stress reaction.

Magnesium is found in a variety of vegetables, nuts and seeds, however during very stressful times, taking a magnesium supplement is recommended.

Studies have shown transdermal magnesium to be most effective at increasing levels quickly. So, you may also consider applying liquid magnesium chloride 1-2/day to the skin to calm your system.

2. Diet

By controlling the amount of histamine coming into your body through the foods you eat, you can significantly reduce the levels of histamine which your body has to deal with. This reduces biological stress and can therefore calm stress-induced histamine release as well.

The best way to do this is by following a low-histamine diet plan while closely monitoring and recording your symptoms. Additionally, eliminating foods that are not high in histamine themselves but either provoke histamine release or can be bacterially converted to histamine in the body is essential as well.

Once you reach the point where your symptoms have noticeably reduced, you can begin to reintroduce a few moderate to high level histamine foods back into your diet and record your reaction.

The response to different foods tends to vary significantly between individuals so it’s best to follow this process slowly; introducing one new food every 3-4 days.

3. Avoid Known Allergens.

As histamine release is intrinsically linked to the allergic response, it is important to avoid known allergens such as pollen or dander.

If you can’t control your exposure to an allergen, for example in the case of seasonal allergies, then adhering to a very low histamine diet as well as following the other listed suggestions during these times can help you to avoid reaching your body’s histamine threshold.

4. Polyphenols

Polyphenols are a type of phytochemical found abundantly in a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Pomegranates contain tannins and anthocyanin, two types of polyphenols which have been shown to stabilize mast cells. Apples also contain a variety of polyphenols which can inhibit the release of histamine from mast cells.

5. Diamine Oxidase

If you suspect that your DAO levels are low, consider trying to Increase your DAO naturally this will support the body in breaking down and managing excess histamine and reduce your biological stress load.

DAO can also be taken in supplement form – but, it should be noted that supplements on the market are largely derived from pork and are therefore unsuitable for vegans.

6. B6

Vitamin B6 is required for the production of DAO in the body and so it is important that you are getting enough in your diet. B6 is found in a variety of low-histamine foods such as brown rice, vegetables and fresh poultry.

Targeting the root of your histamine intolerance

While the above methods are very useful in controlling both mental and biological stressors that accompany histamine intolerance, it’s important to remember that targeting the root cause of your intolerance is essential in solving your symptoms for good.

For more info on how to discover the root cause, check out our testing options on

Comparing mammography and thermography – making an informed decision

Breast cancer screening can identify breast cancer before a person notices any physical symptoms. Early detection can enable a person to undergo less invasive treatments with better outcomes.

Health authorities and doctors recommend regular screening with mammography for women, depending on their age and individual risk factors.

However, some facilities offer thermography as an assessment of breast tissue.

What is breast thermography?

What is thermography?

Thermography uses a type of infrared technology that detects and records temperature changes on the surface of the skin.

It can help assess breast tissue health & help prevent cancer. A thermal infrared camera takes a picture of the areas of different temperature in the breasts. The camera displays these patterns as a sort of heat map.

When a cancerous growth develops, there may be excessive formation of blood vessels and inflammation in the breast tissue. These show up on the infrared image as areas with a higher skin temperature.


  • It is a noninvasive, noncontact procedure that does not involve compressing the breast.
  • It does not involve exposure to radiation, and people can use it safely over time.
  • It can detect vascular changes in breast tissue that may indicate the presence of breast cancer many years before other methods of screening can.
  • It can detect changes in breasts with dense tissue and implants.
  • Hormonal and menstrual changes do not affect the procedure or the results.
  • Can identify hormonal imbalance & how this is influencing the breast tissue

What is mammography?

A mammogram is a kind of X-ray. It involves compressing the breast between two metal plates and taking an X-ray image of the breast tissue.

The image can show if there are any unusual changes or masses in the breast tissue that may need further investigation.

It is the most common way of screening for breast cancer, and the information it provides can save lives. However, it can also have some disadvantages, which we will discuss in the sections below.


Factors affecting who will benefit from regular mammograms include:

  • whether the person has a personal or family history of breast cancer
  • the presence of certain genetic factors, such as changes in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
  • their age
  • how often they undergo screening
  • how dense their breast tissue is, as this may affect the resulting image

Potential risks

Mammography can come with some risks. However, the recommendationsTrusted Source on when and how often a person should undergo screening take these risks into consideration.

Regular testing means repeated exposure to low levels of radiation, which may increase the risk of cancer slightly.

Mammography can also revealTrusted Source noncancerous changes, leading to false-positive results. This can lead to short term anxiety, further tests, and treatment, which may be unnecessary and costly.

Also, the results may be less accurate for women with dense breast tissue or breast implants. This is because dense breast tissue can appear white on the mammography image, which can mask the presence of tumors, as these also appear as white.

Low density fatty tissue, on the other hand, appears gray on the image, making it easier to see any changes.

Mammography can be uncomfortable, as it involves compressing the breasts. For this reason, it is best to avoid undergoing screening just before menstruation, when the breasts can be more tender than usual.

Stay informed, to help you make the best decisions for your breast health.

Could Magnesium Deficiency Be Raising Your Risk of Breast Cancer?

magnesium cancer therapy

Famed natural medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy said that “a magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.”

Those are pretty powerful words. Yet most conventional doctors are unlikely to suggest that their patients get tested regularly for magnesium deficiency.  The latest studies by the U.S. government state that approximately 68% of all Americans are deficient in this essential mineral and close to 20% are severely deficient, consuming less than half of the daily requirement. Research also shows a link between magnesium deficiency and cancer.

Adequate amounts of Magnesium is essential for a healthy body.

Here is just a few of the functions magnesium is responsible for:

  • Glutathione production;
  • Nerve and muscle function;
  • DNA and RNA synthesis;
  • Balancing electrolyte levels;
  • Maintaining hormonal balance and sleep quality (Magnesium reduces cortisol levels, helping you relax);
  • Proper utilization of Vitamins C and E as well as iodine;
  • Regulating inflammatory and pain responses in the body;
  • Providing protection from heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, mercury and lead;
  • In addition, studies have shown that high levels of magnesium supplementation may inhibit cancer cell growth.

How to Use Magnesium for Breast Health and Healing 

breast massage magnesium cancer therapy

2006 report published by the University of Minnesota concluded that diets rich in magnesium reduced colon cancer occurrence in women. Brazilian cancer researchers found a link between low magnesium levels and critically ill cancer patients almost 20 years ago. Polish scientists made the connection between inadequate levels of magnesium and leukemia in the 1970’s. In fact, doctors have been talking and writing about the cancer-healing properties of magnesium for almost 100 years. Currently, Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM is one of the most outspoken advocates of magnesium for healing and writes widely on the subject:

“The modern diet, with an overabundance of refined grains, processed foods and sugars, contains very little magnesium. Even the magnesium inside whole grains and fresh vegetables has been declining steadily in recent years because of depletion of minerals in our soils, making magnesium supplementation necessary for most people.”

Dr. Sircus recommends the use of magnesium chloride, especially as magnesium chloride flakes, for bathing as well as magnesium in oil or gel form for rubbing into key areas on the skin.  Here is a rundown of the best ways to use magnesium as part of your healthy breast protocol:

  • In the bath: Add magnesium chloride flakes to a bath for a relaxing soak. Make sure to use magnesium chloride flakes and not magnesium sulfate (found in regular Epsom salt). Magnesium chloride is much more effective in smaller amounts as a detoxifier and electrolyte replenisher and will even aid the digestive process by balancing hydrochloric acid levels in the gut;
  • As an oil or gel: Transdermal application of magnesium oil or gel on the skin, and especially around the breast and colon area, can be very effective in getting the mineral into the system quickly. Taking the time to apply magnesium transdermally can also be a very calming process;
  • In food: Green leafies like spinach and kale as well as most nuts, seeds and beans contain high amounts of magnesium. Of course, always make sure that these foods are organic to get the most nutritional and mineral content out of them and also consider supplementing in one or more of the other ways mentioned above, especially if you are on a healing journey with Breast Cancer.

Don’t wait until your doctor tells you about magnesium to take action. For Breast Cancer prevention, choose healthy habits that do not deplete your magnesium levels now; daily alcohol consumption, for instance, will deplete your magnesium levels while raising your Breast Cancer risk by 30%.

In addition, transdermal and internal magnesium supplementation in the ways I have discussed above is absolutely vital if you are on a healing journey with Breast Cancer or Breast Cancer prevention. Use it in supplement, oil, gel and bath flake form liberally.  Less than 1% of the magnesium in the body is found in the blood, this is not an appropiate test to establish magnesium status. Contact the clinic if you want to get accurate testing of your magnesium levels l use HTMA & a blood panel which includes Mag RBC for a fuller picture.

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